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Sprayer (xq6_y7nh8ackkkgr6zxgo48o8dg4pg0gw1063zc2rq262265lkkgv1gzy22502202x1288zy8o82f9fm1zy923w4660asgzya8s6kgiar85cozyafg1jse62ou3ozya1130oojdfczydope2s0agzya8ss116ed0hzyc10txorw444ozyhehgjo4gm1gggzyloo80102tfszyj4er8so0gft5zyj4qwinorah433zyo1qg444ccbzyp11xj214c0ogzywbng88kgzyv32a1cfgczyvo2r9t1gczyu340bg5iq084o8zyxs21rdk60hi1zyzw41nkb5zyw8cm8112010a4zyy1761jaggogzyzy21201sk0c8gzyzy6d140198o0e8zyzyb1136ccczyzyg3hb1u4okiczyzyig7087zyzyh33106mggzyzyl548eojrssgk2a24zyzywggj6sozyzyvcm9661zyzyy22)

x = 1, y = 1, rule = B3/S23
This pattern is a spaceship.
This pattern is periodic with period 6.
This pattern runs in a non-standard rule (b38s236i).
The population fluctuates between 608 and 648.
This evolutionary sequence works in multiple rules, from b3s23 through to b38s236i.

Non-fungible token

A non-fungible token of this pattern has been minted by its discoverer, available here.

Pattern RLE

Code: Select all

Sample occurrences

There are no sample soups stored in the Catagolue.

Comments (2)

Displaying comments 1 to 2.

On 2021-08-03 at 22:56:40 UTC, yujhtheyujh wrote:

Sprayer, it works in pedestrian life! (the third know slope in that rule)

On 2021-06-05 at 15:17:35 UTC, lucasdelapaz26@wrsdk12.net wrote:

The spark serves as a Ragged Minstrel

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