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x = 1, y = 1, rule = B3/S23
This pattern is a spaceship.
This pattern is periodic with period 1.
This pattern runs in a non-standard rule (b2aes).
The population is constantly 4.
This evolutionary sequence works in multiple rules, from b2aes through to b23-j45678s01e2-k345678.

Pattern RLE

Code: Select all

Sample occurrences

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Comments (7)

Displaying comments 1 to 7.

On 2023-02-11 at 12:49:13 UTC, ccristiany339 wrote:

lucasdelapaz26@wrsdk12.net is spam

On 2021-08-01 at 18:21:17 UTC, lucasdelapaz26@wrsdk12.net wrote:


On 2019-01-27 at 09:12:55 UTC, Someone wrote:

How can this even be found? O_o

On 2017-12-27 at 14:14:25 UTC, Someone wrote:

( ͡? ͜ʖ ͡?)

On 2017-10-05 at 09:55:12 UTC, Someone wrote:

and it just got found

On 2016-07-28 at 23:47:18 UTC, Someone wrote:

Well in B2ae4i/S1e2in, maybe. Has anyone searched the rule I mentioned? It's called cb2 on the forums.

On 2016-05-13 at 18:53:12 UTC, Someone wrote:

Never to be found.

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