120P7 with blinkers (xp7_y41hh0gxg0hh1zoxgo8gjdcb43034bcdjg8ogxoz1x5aa530252x252035aa5x1zoxql5qs04a4x4a40sq5lqxoz1y0110crjdic0cidjrc011y01zy4888y3888)
Pattern RLE
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Comments (2)
Displaying comments 1 to 2.
On 2022-12-15 at 20:49:24 UTC, dronebetterdronebetter wrote:
Apologies, it is only 120P7 hassling blinkers, the one that I linked is comprised of noninteracting blinkers
On 2022-12-15 at 18:55:38 UTC, dronebetterdronebetter wrote:
Discovered by Charity Engine on 2022-11-17, can have blinkers moved one cell away to be instead xp14_y77y57zy68micge0egcim8z222x6a9m409k8x8k904m9a6x222zy25ll8wg8gxg8gw8ll5z222x3243h8ch8g0g8hc8h3423x222zy732103030123zy77y57
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