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p30 [2-fold] pre-pulsar shuttle with outward tub with tail (xp30_178k8xoogy8goox8k871zy4hhyahhzgs252x331y8133x252sg)

x = 1, y = 1, rule = B3/S23
This pattern is an oscillator.
This pattern is periodic with period 30.
This pattern runs in a non-standard rule (b3-ks23-k).
The population fluctuates between 56 and 112.
This evolutionary sequence works in multiple rules, from b3-ks23-k through to b34kq5-ei6aek7s234ckqyz5ackqr6ei7e8.

Pattern RLE

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Sample occurrences

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Comments (2)

Displaying comments 1 to 2.

On 2020-01-12 at 20:36:59 UTC, Someone wrote:

Eureka is infinitely extensible.

On 2015-04-27 at 01:20:58 UTC, david.m.greene wrote:

See Golly's Patterns/Oscillators/DRH-oscillators.rle -- 30.2.1 is a tailless-tub version of this. A single hassled pre-pulsar is 30.2.0, "Eureka" [DJB#130 8/16/80]. Don't know if this double Eureka with four tails has a proper name.

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