123P27.1 (xp27_06ic88c170v18k4ozkf0v5p1p5t445p6o3tgz11w1169m96p5klkwaabgzy712102egm95d)
Pattern RLE
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Comments (2)
Displaying comments 1 to 2.
On 2017-05-06 at 13:23:36 UTC, paulrw63@live.com wrote:
I wrote the 10-31-2016 comment. Please adopt the name CHURN.
On 2016-10-31 at 18:51:21 UTC, Someone wrote:
This has period 27, and not 9, because - At gen.9 a mistake is made in the upper left end. A similar error appears there at gen.18. The errors are absent at gen.27.
The higher oscillators can do strange things.
I give this one the name CHURN.
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