Jason's p22 (xp22_178cwggg2y2oo4kozy235433y28111w62sg)
Pattern RLE
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Comments (4)
Displaying comments 1 to 4.
On 2021-03-27 at 23:50:01 UTC, Ignacy.Jackl wrote:
Jason's P22 (was discovered by Jason Summers)
On 2017-08-10 at 20:05:59 UTC, Someone wrote:
Will it ever occur naturally?
On 2016-11-13 at 23:15:59 UTC, paulrw63@live.com wrote:
It is also the basis for a P22 Glider Gun.
On 2016-11-13 at 23:15:37 UTC, paulrw63@live.com wrote:
I named this TRAPEZE ARTISTS. You will see why if you look at it a bit...
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