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This pattern is a pattern.
This pattern runs in a non-standard rule (b36s2-i34q).

Sample occurrences

There are 1 sample soups in the Catagolue:

Official symmetries

SymmetrySoupsSample soup links

C1 1  

Comments (33)

Displaying comments 1 to 20.

On 2025-02-24 at 20:06:49 UTC, zacharysprojects23 wrote:

In b38s23, this is a 621,907 generation methuselah from the 31c/589 puffer.

On 2024-12-22 at 21:26:07 UTC, nickpoyntz wrote:

B3/S23 occurences: 2x128: None of the 2 soups exhibit any infinite growth??? 8x32: Same here, no infinite growth. D4_x4: Only one soup. It creates 2 switch-engine based puffers which initially have backwards glider streams that I believe confuses whatever identifies patterns. Their ash includes a canoe and boat-tie. D8_1: Most, if not all of these, evolve into puffers with backwards glider streams. Because of the symmetry, these create and destroy bi-blocks repeatedly. D8_4: None of these seem to exhibit infinite growth??

On 2024-10-25 at 17:28:56 UTC, oliver.mcmordie wrote:

gun? x = 159, y = 161, rule = R2,C2,S4,6-9,B6-8,N@03ddef 55$92bo$90b4o$88b6o$87b2obo2bo$87bob3ob4o$87bo3b3o2bo$88b2o2bob3o$90b 2o2b2o$90b2o3bo$91b2o2b2o$92bo3b2o$93bob5o$93b4o2b2o$94b2o3b2o$76b3o16b 2o3bo$75b2o2bo15b2o3bo$75bobobo15bo3b2o$74b4o2b2o13b2o2bo$74b2ob2ob3o 13b3o$73b3o2b2o2b2o13bo$74b5o5b2o$77bob2o4b2o$77bob4ob7o$77b3o2b4ob2o b2o$83b2o6b2o21b2o$84bo6bo22b3o$84b3o2b2o22b3o$85b5o25bo$111bo$111b6o $113b2ob3o$113b7o$114b3o2b2o$115b2o2b3o$117bob2ob3o$116b2o3b5o$116bo8b 2o$115bo4bo3b3o$101b2o16b3ob3o$102bo11b2ob5ob2o$99bo2b3o8b4o3bo3bo3b2o $97b3o2b4o6b4o4b4ob2ob3o$97b4obob3o3bob10obob2o3b2o$98bo3b5ob2o3bob3o 3b4ob2o2b2o$103b2o2b2o3bo2b2o3bob3ob2o2b2o$103b2o7bo2bo5b4o2bo2b2o$104b 4o3b2o2bo4bo4bob2ob2o$105b3o2b6obob13o$106bobo2b2ob3obob3o3bo3b2o$107b 2o5bob3ob4o3bo2bo2b2o$107b2o2b2ob5obob10o2bo$107b2ob4o2b3obo2b2ob3ob6o $108b4o2b2o3b2o2bo3bo3bo2b2o$109b2o3b4o2b2ob2o2b2o2bo2b2o$116b5ob11ob 2o$113b2o4b2o2b2ob2o2b3ob2o$113b2o5bo2bo3bo3bo2b2o$114b11o2b2ob2o2b2o $115b7ob13o$124bo2b2o2bo2b3o$122bobo6bo2bo2bo$122b14ob2o$124b9ob3ob2o $132bo2bo2b2o$133b2o3b2o$134b6o$135b4o!

On 2024-10-06 at 20:42:18 UTC, oliver.mcmordie wrote:

gun x = 60, y = 43, rule = B2-a3c/S12-i 14$33b2o3$34bo3bo$34bo3bo5$22bo12b2o$22bo12bo$21bobo11bo5bo$36bo4bo$20b 5o$21bobo13bo4bo$21b3o14bo$17b2o21bo$16bo4$33b2o!

On 2024-07-19 at 23:36:18 UTC, baileycrawford2012 wrote:

in b3-cjk4erw5kq7c8s23-a4i6c7e this is the natural 17/536co rake

On 2021-11-24 at 13:04:51 UTC, dronebetterdronebetter wrote:

In b367s35678, this is labelled a zz unusual, but it's actually only unusual initially, then becomes linear.

On 2021-11-07 at 18:06:34 UTC, Angel.montero1 wrote:

In rule LowDeath b368s238, this is a HighLife (B36/S23) replicator with an escaping glider. x = 16, y = 16, rule = B368/S238 bo2b2o2b2o4bo$b2ob5o2bobobo$ob2o2bobo2b2ob2o$obo3b2obobo2b2o$b2o3bobo 3b2obo$bo2b2o2b2obo2bo$b3o2b4ob2o2bo$2b4ob2obob4o$2o2bo3bo2bo2b2o$obob o2b3ob4o$2b2obob3o3bo$4ob2o3bo3b2o$2b3o2b2ob3o$b2o2bo3bo$b2ob6ob4o$3o 3b2ob3o!

On 2021-07-27 at 18:36:03 UTC, lucasdelapaz26@wrsdk12.net wrote:

Catagolue doesn't really have the best classification for soups

On 2021-07-01 at 07:28:07 UTC, yoelmatveyev wrote:

A p697 gun classified as a zz_REPLICATOR in r3b000000000020s0000000ff808 (R3,C0,S4,12-20,B6):


x = 26, y = 19, rule = R3,C0,S4,12-20,B6 2$5b4o2$6b2o$5b4o$5b4o$5b3o4bo2$13b3o$5b2obo5b3o$5b4o5b3o$5b4o4b4o2bo$ 6bobo2$10b3o4bo!

On 2021-06-21 at 21:37:29 UTC, lucasdelapaz26@wrsdk12.net wrote:

How do you show those life veiwer images

On 2020-05-12 at 12:27:13 UTC, Someone wrote:

In apgsearch's source code, zz_REPLICATOR is the class that grows the slowest among the four type of zz, the other three being LINEAR, EXPLOSIVE and QUADRATIC. In B34c/S234y8, it's just a soup that lasts 100k generations. -- Hunting

On 2020-02-02 at 10:09:00 UTC, Someone wrote:

What's the RLE file?

On 2019-11-18 at 15:57:15 UTC, lzy1999891 wrote:

In b34s234f01236k2345l02345, there is a standard REPLICATOR:

x = 10, y = 7, rule = b34s234f01236k2345l02345

On 2019-05-13 at 13:18:38 UTC, Someone wrote:

These aren't replicators! Why are these puffers classified as replicators?

On 2019-04-10 at 14:33:11 UTC, ozziene@yahoo.co.uk wrote:

In Brew, these are growing spaceships made of a backrake and a sliding block instead of actual replicators

On 2019-01-31 at 10:25:31 UTC, Someone wrote:

In B36/S245, these are - surprise surprise - actually correctly identified replicators (linear and slow, so they don't cause explosions).

On 2018-12-29 at 20:15:25 UTC, Someone wrote:

here is where you can find the actual replicators of that rule: https://catagolue.appspot.com/census/b34k7cs2-i3-a4i6c/C1

On 2018-12-29 at 20:14:55 UTC, Someone wrote:

in B34k7c/S2-i3-a4i6c, these are ironically not replicators. (look under linear for that.) They are rather collisions between replicators that often become chaotic, and produce gliders

On 2018-12-20 at 13:03:48 UTC, Someone wrote:

This is a replicator. What rule are you thinking of?

On 2018-11-29 at 15:39:11 UTC, Someone wrote:

Newest one in Arrow is a combination of a high-period oscillator and two backrakes.

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