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Aircraft carrier (xs6_39c)

x = 1, y = 1, rule = B3/S23
This pattern is a still-life.
This pattern is periodic with period 1.
This pattern runs in standard life (b3s23).
The population is constantly 6.
This evolutionary sequence works in multiple rules, from bs2ae through to b2-ak34-q5678s012345678.

Pattern RLE

Code: Select all

Glider synthesis

Code: Select all
#C [[ GRID MAXGRIDSIZE 14 THEME Catagolue ]]
#CSYNTH xs6_39c costs 4 gliders (true).
#CLL state-numbering golly
x = 15, y = 8, rule = B3/S23

Sample occurrences

There are 1972 sample soups in the Catagolue:

Official symmetries

SymmetrySoupsSample soup links

4x64 10              

C1 14                   

Inflated symmetries

SymmetrySoupsSample soup links

i1x256 98                                                                                                                                         

ii1x256 15                     

iiiiiiiiiiC1 2   

Unofficial symmetries

SymmetrySoupsSample soup links

10G_D2_+1_stdin 1  

1X2x256X2 10              

1X2x256X2_TEST 10              

1dblinker_test_stdin 4     

1x256X2 10              

1x256X2+1_2Test 10              

1x256X2+1_3Test 10              

22bit_glider_clean_test_stdin 72                                                                                                     

23bit_glider_clean_test_stdin 58                                                                                 

25% 10              

2T_stdin 1  

2ggg_10x10_stdin 5       

2xn_stdin 14                   

3G_stdin 1  

3g_test_stdin 74                                                                                                       

75% 10              

75pTEST 20                            

AB_C1_2x2_32x32_Test 10              

AB_D2_x_skewgutter_Test 10              

AB_sha512_16x32_Test 10              

AB_sha512_20x20_Test 20                            

AB_sha512_25p_Test 10              

AB_sha512_75p_Test 10              

C_R_116_stdin 3    

D2_+1_Gutter_Test 20                            

D4_n 20                            

D6_4_Test 15                     

DRCTest_SemiD4_+2 10              

DankMemes 10              

LWSS_trio_stdin 1  

MB_C1_2x2_32x32_Test 9            

MB_bad8x8_test 10              

Pseudo_C1 30                                          

PushDecimal_Test 10              

QuFince_LWSS_stdin 1  

QuFince_stdin 44                                                             

Saka_DoubleC1_Test 10              

Saka_x+1-2x_TEST 10              

WSS_Test 10              

WW_25c 10              

Yujh_B3S23_3c7puff_t_bad 7          

Yujh_t 60                                                                                    

Yujh_t_blockparty 10              

Yujh_t_stdin 30                                          

Yujh_test 19                          

b3s23osc_stdin 13                  

b9wadufi 20                            

blocktest_stdin 2   

box_stdin_test 3    

catforce_stdin 14                   

censusrle_stdin 3    

clean_seeds_stdin 99                                                                                                                                          

clusters_stdin 1  

ee9_D2_+1_gutter_test 10              

ee9_test 50                                                                      

exhaustive2x2_stdin 10              

exhaustive4x4_stdin 10              

fourobjs_stdin_test 10              

ggg_10x10_stdin 12                 

hotdogpi_census_stdin 1  

ikpx2_c3_stdin_test 5       

ikpx2_k7_stdin_test 3    

ikpx2_stdin 1  

integer_constructions_stdin 42                                                           

integer_rand_clean_stdin 39                                                      

jslife_stdin 1  

kitty_stdin_test 36                                                   

lifecompetes_stdin_test 62                                                                                       

line_stdin 18                         

localforce_stdin 1  

misc_1g_LR_clean_stdin 74                                                                                                       

misc_1g_clean_stdin 16                       

misc_2g_clean_stdin 14                   

misc_clean_stdin 55                                                                             

misc_glider_clean_stdin 12                 

mvr_6seeds_stdin 6         

mvr_7seeds_stdin 20                            

mvr_catforce_stdin 29                                        

obj_2g_stdin 44                                                             

oca_stdin 16                       

oscthread_stdin 2   

pk22_spartan_seeds_stdin 5       

polyominoes_stdin 2   

random_p2_seeds_stdin 99                                                                                                                                          

rectanglesx_stdin 5       

seeds_1obj_enum_clean_test_stdin 9            

seeds_clean_test_stdin 9            

slow_salvo_stdin 10              

stdin_WM_4G 1  

stdin_natural_LCM 47                                                                  

stdin_puffer+xWSS 19                          

stdin_xq4_diag 7          

test_stdin 10              

testitemqlstudop 4     

text_len2_stdin 12                 

truerng_stdin 15                     

xp2_32x32_switchenginetest 10              

xp2_blockstest 50                                                                      

xp2_puffertest 10              

xp2_stdin_test2 6         

xp2_switchenginetest 10              

Comments (6)

Displaying comments 1 to 6.

On 2018-09-04 at 20:01:56 UTC, Someone wrote:

The smallest and most common still life to consist of two separate islands.

On 2017-12-02 at 02:15:55 UTC, Someone wrote:

Thor 6.1

On 2017-12-01 at 23:11:57 UTC, Someone wrote:


On 2016-10-08 at 23:53:44 UTC, ndospark320@naver.com wrote:

V Because it's "carrier"?

On 2015-10-24 at 15:24:43 UTC, dragon59095 wrote:

V wat

On 2015-10-20 at 10:14:10 UTC, Someone wrote:

carry me hommeeee

Please log in to post comments.

Catagolue — the largest distributed search of cellular automata.